Emotional breakdowns


Yesterday, I came back from work and had an emotional breakdown. I sat on the sofa and felt sad. I could not pinpoint the reason. I just felt low. I tried not to overthink it too much, but I couldn’t avoid it. Why is it happening to me more often? Could it be something that comes with age? Or maybe the long-term consequences of the pandemic or the intense work that I did during that time? Perhaps it comes from putting pressure on myself regarding the success of Tuist as a company.

Don’t people say that solving a problem starts with acknowledging it? I feel I’m going through that phase. I’m trying to demand less from myself.

Less perfection. Less pressure. Less being online. Less you need to succeed. Less pleasing everyone but myself. Less work taking all my mental space.

I guess this is part of the journey of life. Learning about ourselves and our mental health. The largest disregarded part of our health.

I’ll prioritize the things that feel great in my brain. Running feels great on me. It’s my meditation. It’s the fresh air. At which moment did I deprioritize it?

How do you deal with emotional breakdowns?