1 year ago

Hot-reloading and ESM

While building Gestalt, I realized that many web frameworks don’t move away from CommonJS because their usage of modules in ESM would lead to a slower hot-reloading experience. This is primarily due to how module graphs are loaded with ESM – the entire graph needs to be fully loaded before the code starts executing. Imagine how slow hot-reloading would be if that had to happen every time we changed a file. Solving it would be doing dynamic imports in development or static ones in production. This can be achieved through a build process that is environment-aware.

// Static ESM imports
import { loadRoutes } from "gestaltjs/routes"

// Dynamic ESM imports
function doSomething() {
  const { loadRoutes } = await import("gestaltjs/routes")
About Pedro Piñera

I created XcodeProj and Tuist, and co-founded Tuist Cloud. My work is trusted by companies like Adidas, American Express, and Etsy. I enjoy building delightful tools for developers and open-source communities.